I am directly subscribed to Sam Ruby's feed. I recently added Planet Intertwingly as well, which contains Sam's blog. Both feeds are served as application/atom+xml
. In Google Reader, duplicate items show up (for Sam, Steve Loughran, and others that overlap from my other subscriptions. I don't want to remove individual subscriptions in case Sam removes them from Planet Intertwingly.
From my readings of the spec a while ago, that was an explicit rationale for having id's associated with each entry. As you would expect, the id's are the same. From Planet Intertwingly:
<link href="http://intertwingly.net/blog/2007/07/31/Agile-Financial-Publishing" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
<link href="http://intertwingly.net/blog/2619.atom" rel="replies" type="text/html"/>
<title>Agile Financial Publishing</title>
From Intertwingly:
<link href="2007/07/31/Agile-Financial-Publishing"/>
<link rel="replies" href="2619.atom" thr:count="1" thr:updated="2007-07-31T12:15:28-04:00"/>
<title>Agile Financial Publishing</title>
Those atom:id element IRIs appear to be the same to me...